Environmental protection targets and measures

Since 2013, we have regularly set both Group-wide environmental protection targets and concrete targets for the individual sites. We have set the following targets until 2022. They will be replaced by the2030 sustainability targets.

By continuously investing in environmental protection and using state-of-the-art, innovative production plant technologies, Aurubis holds a leading position worldwide in climate and environmental protection in primary and secondary copper production, as well as in further processing copper into products such as rolled sheet, wire rod, and continuous cast products.

进一步的信息环境al KPIs and targets, as well as examples of achievements and recent measures, are published in ourenvironmental and sustainability reporting.

Karin Hinrichs-Petersen
Dr. Karin Hinrichs-Petersen

Head of Environmental Protection

Phone +49 40 7883-3609
Send e-mail